Football Manager 2023FM23
Football Manager 2022FM22
Football Manager 2021FM21
Football Manager 2020FM20
Football Manager 2019FM19
Football Manager 2018FM18
Football Manager 2017FM17
Eastside Hockey Manager (2015)EHM15
Football Manager 2016FM16
Football Manager OnlineFMO
Football Manager 2015FM15
Football Manager 2014FM14
Football Manager 2013FM13
Football Manager 2012FM12
Football Manager 2011FM11
Football Manager 2010FM10
Football Manager LiveFMLIVE
Football Manager 2009FM09
Football Manager 2008FM08
Football Manager 2007FM07
NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007EHM07
Football Manager 2006FM06
NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2005EHM05
Football Manager 2005FM05
NHL Eastside Hockey ManagerEHM
10 years of games before FM94-04
10 years of games before FM
Our back catalogue goes even deeper. We've been making great games since '94, with our releases through the late 90s and early 00s attracting critical praise and fan acclaim as some of the fastest-selling PC games of all time.